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It can be hard to maintain your fitness goals while traveling, especially if you are on vacation. For many people, the last thing they want to consider while relaxing on vacation is spending their time exercising. Traveling for business or pleasure offers the opportunity to mix in a new workout to stay on top of your fitness goals. You don’t need to bring gym equipment with you to break a quick sweat. Incorporating new and exciting activities is a great way to get some exercise in while having fun. After hours spent sitting in a car or plane seat, your body will thank you. Here are some tips for staying active on your next trip.

Find a local gym or class.

If your hotel does not have a gym, take a few minutes before your trip to research local gyms or classes nearby. Have the courage to try a new class that you may not have access to at home. Group fitness and boutique studios are gaining in popularity all over the world. Many people like to try new things while traveling to a different place, so why not a new and exciting exercise class?

Incorporate physical activity into sightseeing.

If time allows for it, set your alarm early and go for a morning run or walk. It’s a great way to soak in the views and culture of the place you are visiting while avoiding the hustle and bustle of the day. Sunrises offer a beautiful backdrop to almost any subject, so be sure to take your phone or camera with you to get a good shot. If you’re not into waking up early, you can schedule a walking tour of the city you are visiting or visit observation towers and viewpoints – of course, you’ll want to take the stairs up. Lastly, another option for vacationers to stay active is to look for activities such as rock climbing, surf lessons, or simply going for a swim.

Create your own workout.

You don’t need to pack gear or go to the gym if you are short on time. There are a ton of hotel workouts you can do inside your room that will get the job done. Incorporate exercises such as planks, jumping jacks, burpees, squats, and lunges for a quick way to get your heart rate up. Yoga stretches are also a great way to stretch out sore muscles from travel and sleeping in a different bed. If you need help staying accountable, there are plenty of free and inexpensive fitness apps to download on your phone.